Friday, February 22, 2013

Box of Sunshine

This idea originally came from my sweet sis-in-law Crystal.  She sent us one shortly after our move across the country.  It boosted my spirits considerably.  A different family member has been having a rough go as of late and we were searching for some way that we could let them know that we were thinking of them from far away.  My husband reminded me of the box Crystal had sent us.

So a Box of Sunshine is simply a box (we had this one lying around) full of things that you think will bring sunshine into someone's life!  We raided the dollar store with that object in mind.  Their oldest boy just broke his leg, so we tried to include some things that he could do while being somewhat immobile- a puzzle, a water ring toss game, so treats.  Also included to stuffed toy for their baby to chew on and some bling for the princess of the house.

I felt like this was a great way to show them we care, but also to teach my boys about the value of serving those around us, particularly our family.  We miss our cousins dearly but we love that we can stay part of their lives and I think my boys really felt good knowing that they could do something to help out!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! So glad we can send love from far away! :). Thanks for the valentines! The paper airplanes were a hit! Love you guys!
